The person handling your surveys in the CallGuide Survey Admin survey tool can select a survey question to generate specific statistics for agents. In each survey there can be up to five single choice questions that provide statistics for your work.
The outcome is presented to each respective agent in the Agent evaluation – Survey support function in CallGuide Agent under the Functions menu choice.
InAgent evaluation – Survey you find the following:
Ten seconds after the page has been uploaded, you also see an update icon at the top. If you have not received your results or if there are no surveys in progress, you see the Agent evaluation – Survey support function with just the update icon and an error message. During the time that your data are being downloaded you see a progress indicator at the bottom of the support function. The number of days that data will be presented for is regulated in a system parameter in CallGuide Admin.
Telia CallGuide version 10.1. New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB